2:11 AM

Cosplay and Bunkasai

Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure), is a performance where the player try to outfit themselves with an unusual costume. The costume they were wore is usually applicable from manga or anime series like Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, etc.
But sometimes we will find some people try to wear costume as their favorite game, example : Persona 3, Kingdom Hearth, etc.

There are several cosplay category we will found at the event:
- Anime/manga: Where the player used anime/manga costume.

- Game: where the player used games character outfit.

- Tokusatsu: where the player used tokusatsu (action) character outfit like Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Spiderman etc.

- Gothic: where the player used dark nuance character, usually Lolita is included.

- Original: where the player use their own costume outfit, Harajuku style is included.

The place where the event held is named "BUNKASAI". but some people may called it as MATSURI. It's doesn't matters what we called it coz the meaning from bunkasai and matsuri are same.
There is many Japanese stand, like Takoyaki Stand, Japanese accessories, Cosplay equipment, etc.
Bunkasai used to held a japan music festival where the song is come from japan band and other japanese music its self.

For more information click:



topijrami said...

mana foto lw, yo..?? LW sering ikutan Cosplay kan??

yo, coba di setting nya lw ubah spy yg bisa comment ke yg semua orang..

Korochi said...

hmm... malu ah.. wkwkwk...

ubah apanya?

Ardhn Mohammed said...

Gila lo gio...getol bgt bikin nih post..danta men...keep up the good work

Korochi said...

wahaha.... thx man.. hehehe...

Admin said...

bos.. katanya ga keindeks google?
tadi saya cek udah tuh.. tapi mungkin yang anda maksut tuh tampil di hal pertama google ya? itu susah jelasinnya aku aja kurang tau. mending situ belajar aja cari di google tentang seo untuk pemula :D

Admin said...

kao mau add aja YM gue..
siapa tau aku bisa bantu :D